Feb 19

Tommy’s Mission President’s Website

The link above is from Tommy’s mission president. They were in Darwin for a zone conference. Keep scrolling down, there are 3 sets of pictures. Pretty sure Tommy is wearing the tie Aunt Denise sent him. I’m lucky enough to have one that matches!  My favourite pic is of two massive crocs caught in Darwin. Yikes

hey mom and dad,

how are you? this has been a pretty awesome week! we were able to find a new baptismal date named mohamed! he is the man. he is in year 12 of high school and comes from a strong muslim background but wants to become christian. he is accepting the lessons really well. Darwin has been really good. really wet. i took a video of the rain but it doesn’t really do it justice. overall its been a great week. no i haven’t seen any crocs up here. i’m pretty sure you have to go out of darwin to really find them.
Elder Dickson
Brent – Mohammed sounds like a stud. Congratulations!  I was impressed with the Parkers croc picture but assumed they weren’t roaming the streets.
T- i never saw it
Krista – It sounds like you are teaching lots of young men… that is great! Is he 18 yet? How does his family feel about it? Is your raincoat holding up? Or can anything hold up to the rain? I will be excited to see the video…. you will need to repent from your non-picture taking ways😁
K- The picture was just one that the Farmers had on Facebook. It is of 2 crocs that someone caught but they must each be about 15 ft!!! – That would be Farrers… stupid autocorrects
T- yeah so he is 18 and really keen. i will try to upload the videos
K- I’m just kidding, I know you are busy! We just love seeing you. I’m glad your investigator is so keen. How is it adjusting to a smaller branch? Does the Palmerston branch meet somewhere else now?
T- the branch is still about 120 members so its still pretty large. the palmerston branch meets at 1pm
K- That is  a nice size! Tell me about this new initiative in your zone… blue hand?… something like that… Sister Parker mentioned it
B- So what is one cool thing you learned from Zone conference. Drew is reading Book of Mormon at dinner as fast as possible. Maybe he wants it done fast?  I think it his voracious scripture appetite!
T- so #operationbluehand is something that elder hunter dreamed up. basically it is putting a larger emphasis on the book of mormon in finding. its really effective
B- Nice. My operation blue hand was wiping my hands on my new jeans and thinking that I had bad circulation.
T- haha i remember you telling me that
K- That’s a great idea. How does it work? Where is Elder Hunter from and how long has he been out?
T- elder hunter is fro new zealand and has been out about 6 months, the idea is that you act devastated that they haven’t heard about the book of mormon and then offer to give them a free copy as a gift
B- Sounds like he will be a great car salesmen one day.
K- That cracks me up! Smart idea. I can see how some of your more dramatic missionaries could be quite creative with that.
T- haha yeah elder fiu is really good at it
K- Well I guess you will never know who will read it… I am always amazed at how creative missionary work needs to be.
B- Watching a bit of the all star NBA game. The top two vote getters, Lebron and Stephanie Curry got to pick their teams. It was just announced who was on eAch team after they picked. A commentator said they should have picked live right before the game started like gym class that would have been cool.
T- so who is with lebron? and curry?
B- Can’t remember them all but Curry picked Derozan and Lowey. Derozan is a starter, voted in. The Raptors are #1 in the east right now. They look good.
T- who is leading the west?
B- Technically Curry is leading the west and Lebron the east. But once the all stars were voted in or chosen then the teams got all mixed up.
B- Drew, Benny, and I are going to Utah spring break. Gonna stay with Denise a few days and a few in St. George. Going to a Jazz Mavericks game in Salt Lake with Denise’s Family.
T- gotta go love you
B- Have a great week

Feb 12

hey mom and dad, so this has been an awesome week! we had the parkers and the assistants up this week so really good. this week we have been teaching a lot. we put a boy named mohammed on baptismal date. He is from samalia and is muslim but wants to change and be baptized. his mom is a little reluctant, actually a lot but he is 18 and really wants this. Elder Fiu is the man! he is just like elder punou. they are like the same person so its really cool that i am training my trainer. My prediction is the AUSTRALIA ADELAIDE MISSION! nah im just kidding. i thnk that he will go english speaking to the states? its been a great and busy week!

love you heaps

Elder Dickson

Krista –

That’s funny because I thought wouldn’t it be funny if he got called to Australia… I will text him and tell him to email. Ok you ave to be more specific than English speaking in the States… have to pick a state or a city. It always feels good when you are teaching a lot. Is Rikki ona baptism date too?


southern states –

no rikki isn’t on date anymore. we hae lost contact with him but are trying to re-establish contact

Brent –

Snow fest continues. Snowed the middle of the night last night so we had to shovel. Then the ploughing came during church so we had to dig out again. It is our month to shovel at church so the young men are not too impressed. But Broadhurst’s now owe Benny $210 for shoveling this winter so he feels rich.


Well hopefully you will reach him. What did you learn at your zone conference? Did President Parker give you any more information about extending?-

Keep trying…. more specific!


yeah i am all good to extend


Ok… well have you definitely decided? Is there a date that you have to make up your mind by or have you already? September 19?


I was telling President Craig about you thinking about extending your mission. He said Why wouldn’t he!

It was ward conference today and they read your name first for missionaries serving from our ward. You are the longest out now.

Billy S and Chris D are also waiting on their calls.

Were you impressed by the snow piles taller than Ben?  I feel like they are monumental since we shovelled all of that.

Mom is watching Winter Olympics figure skating with Drew. Probably not super popular in Australia.


my companion freaked


Ok…. Billy is great and we are very happy for him but I need to k ow your extending info….!!!


i havent finalized it but i want to extend to september 19th


Ok.. I will resist asking for  a definite answer right now…. but you know it is killing my planning nature. Just let us know as soon as you decide for sure. Grandpa will want to know about the weather… give me a report and and pictures of rain would be much appreciated


ok its been pretty dry recently


Well that will make Grandpa happy and if you just had Zone conference I’m sure Sister Parker or Sister Lea will post pictures. Did you ever get those new pants?


no they haven’t come yet


Wow…. sometimes I am amazed at how long things take…I sure hope your birthday package gets there in time. Any interesting things you did with the Parkers or APs


no nothing super cool just lots of great stuff


I was talking to Garrett today and congratulating him on his call and he was saying how cool your mission was . I told him it was great but that he should not be jealous of the heat or of the biking. I think his mission will be a little like yours in that it will be so diverse. There is a big difference serving in Vancouver or serving up north or on the island. I think the change in the areas would be refreshing

K- How big is the Alice branch? Zone? Is there just one zone leader there?


yeah just one zone leader there –

about 150 people


Is that a change? Is that Elder Shortland? What is going on for PDay today? Grandpa liked the toad busting


Just locked down a youth Speaker for Sacrament in two weeks. I am the voice of doom in the ward. I thought we had a high Councillor next week but was wrong. So I was scrambling but found speakers for next Sunday.


yeah so that is elder shortland. nothing much on for p-day –

gott go love you heaps


Have an outstanding week. So proud of you!


Love ❤

Nov 12

hey mom and dad,

this has been a great week! so first of all elder johnson is doing great, we instantly recognized each other when we picked him up at the airport! so thats cool. for mom he is from strathmore and the greatest thing is that he is a (for dad) FLAMES FAN!!!!!!!!!!!! jokes, its pretty cool having another elder from the calgary area because we can talk about things and people from back home. so about the baptism. they are a part member family, the mom is a member and the dad is out of the picture but now the kids are baptized. its sooo cool because the mom has made huge strides even from when i was here in june in coming back to church. #eternalfamilies. So peter is doing great as well. he is giving a talk at a baptism this saturday for the sisters because turns out that their investigator is one of his friends. he is really excited. Other than that it is definitly the build up season because it s hot and humid but never rains.
also up here in darwin we are getting really onboard with the light the world initiative again so it will be great!
Love Elder Dickson
Brent – Sounds like great things are happening for you warms my heart. Sorry about the Flames thing. Opposition in all things. President Yee just asked me to speak in the adult session of Stake Conference. 7 minutes on Family Councils. Could test some members faith :).
T- we actually had a similar talk in branch conference this week
Krista – That is so cool about Peter. it sounds like he is really progressing. How did you recognize Elder Johnson? Dances???  How are your investigators doing?
B- ‎Then help a brother out!! What did they say?
T- they focused on how when elder ardern was here he said “participation invites revelation” then they talked about how much we need guidance in this ever changing world and how family councils are ways to gain love respect and most importantly revelation for the whole family

and yes peter is doing really great, yeah i recognized him from dances and turns out he was watching the provincial final verses foothills in lethbridge
K- That must seem really strange to connect halfway across the world.
B- Perfect. I am quoting you in my talk. Good that Elder Johnson got to see some amazing Coyote Rugby. So will you have him do something special for the first PDay?
T- nah i think they are doing something with an nvestigator

CFL update. Saskatchewan beat Ottawa in the east semifinal and play Toronto in the East final. SK finished fourth in the West and crossed over.
E skies beat Winnipeg in Winnipeg and now play the Stamps in the West final. Go Esks!
K- That works for me.  Have you started planning for the Light the World campaign? It would be cool to do those activities here too. I will have to look at LDS. org again Is this a ward or a mission focus?
T- go stamps!!!
B- ‎Do you have any memories  of family meetings we had that stand out to you? Looking for more talk material.
T- not particularly  (ouch 🙂
T- both and we are going do be doin lots of things here
K- It sounds like The Darwin Branch is really growing and doing interesting things. Remind me again how big the branch is? Do they have any youth that you work with?
Benny – ‎Benny. Hey Tom so on Thursday we won all our games in volleyball to end off the regular season and loving your bed trololololololloolloollool
Brent- ‎And Benny is off to the basement. 🙂
T- the brach is about 200 people and we work with both of the preists and the ysa
K- So tell me an experience you have had this week that has been significant… a teaching moment, some inspiration, a cool thought from what you have been studying…
Tommy shared some C.S. Lewis quotes
B- ‎So what will the rainy season be like? Hotter? More humid? How much rain are we talking here?
T- it is called monsoon season so a lot and it will cool down a little it will start in december
K- He has such an interesting way of looking at Christianity.  I love his Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity. When you get home I will make you watch one of my favorite movies ” Shadowlands” which is about his life and the death of his wife
B- ‎So hopefully more time in a car rather than on the bike? Drew is off to Parker Byam’s playing Smash Brothers. A proper sabbath activity cause he is with family. 🙂
T- no even in the rain we bike
B- I can endorse that movie. A good one. We will also have to watch “In the good old summertime”. We are keeping it on the PLT just for you.
T- is it still on there?!
K- You also may not remember but we are still saving “In the Good Old  Summertime”  on the PVR until you are back… the brothers claim we can’t watch it without you but lets just say they MAY be trying to avoid the MOST AMAZING MOVIE!… ok mom geek out time.
B- Absolutely ‎- we will have a watching party when you return and then a ceremonial deleting

That cracks me up that dad sent that while at the same time i was typing about that AWESOME movie!
What are your plans for Pday today? Is this Elder E’s last  transfer?
T- wow…… i thought you were kidding  – yes it is – and we are doing some service for a member – hey mom and dad i love you email next week!!
B- You da bomb. We pray for you daily!

Love you!

August 13, 20

Fun cousin picture 2/3 of the way down

Letter from Tommy August 13

hey mom and dad so the big news is that my new companion is elder hartman (my former zone leader in darwin)! also we will be training! the other cool news is that they falt mates have changed. elder miague is now companions with elder mikami! so all of the missionaries i have been around in one flat. its crazy tpo think that i have already been out one year. yes i did get the package and i smashed the soft licorice really fast. other than that this week has been pretty normal. oh and another cool thing, elder riding ended up giving me his drone!

love ya
Elder Tommy Dickson
Brent – What do you mean you will be training?   How does that work as a Zone leader? I am in Wa‎terton now. It was warm this morning but cold now. We are hiking Akimina Ridge tomorrow. Taking on the three peak challenge.
Tommy – so we will be in a trio training a new missionary
Krista – That is cool that you have Elder Hartman! Who are you training? When do you get him? That will be fun to see how much Elder Miague has grown since you knew him as a greenie….. and a drone???? Fun week! Do you just fly it around the apartment?
Brent – ‎Funny story, Joseph asked if we were doing a big dinner after church today. I told him I didn’t know and sent Joseph and Benny over to cement to ask Joan. She said there was no plan so I told the boys I would make something. 1 hour later we got an invite from Joanne for dinner. We may have moored our way in a bit but it was delicious.
Tommy – i will find out who i am training on wednesday – we start transfers at 2pm today – its 11 here
Krista – Fun! I am excited for you. That sounds like some great combinations and challenges. So believe it or not I am starting to think about Christmas…. is anything wearing out? Any requests? Where did the other elder in your flat get transferred to?

Do you go and pick up the new transfers in your zone? Are you the only Elders with cars in your zone? Do you still have Elder Heindel until tomorrow?
Tommy – no so most of the companionships have cars so they all come to the chapel at 2pm and we move them to and from the zones. elder heindel is at the mission office until he flies home on wednesday
Krista – What about the senior couples? Did any of them move? Any of your old companions get moved? Transfer week must be very busy.
Tommy – no so the senior couples don’t really move – transfer week is chaos
Krista – How many new missionaries do you have transferred to the Marion Zone?
Tommy – 8
Krista –

Good kid!
Sundays are always an adventure in Nursery. I am relearning the basics of the gospel and it is really sweet to see the little ones as they learn and talk about simple things. Today was about the sacrament and thinking about Jesus… a good reminder for me as I was talking to Drew! you can learn a lot from Nursery!
Tommy – its suprising hey how much we learn from the kids
Krista –

Well some great spiritual moments but I also got  “my hair cut”, told about multiple Batman cars, tried valiantly to prevent a little one from throwing up when her parent left for a minute and got more shots from the doctors kit than I can count… got to say much more entertaining than sitting through the adult lessons!
How are your Nepali investigators?
Tommy – they are doing well, progress is slow but coming along
Krista – I’m glad that even with all the busyness of being a zone leader that you still get the opportunity to teach investigators. What are you teaching them right now?
Tommy – we are focussing on clearing up the doctrine of the trinity. stupid nicene creed……
Krista – That’s interesting. I wouldn’t have guessed that doctrine would be that challenging. I guess you just take some things for granted when you grow up in the church. Any Christmas needs??????
Tommy –  yeah its annoying but all good and no not that i can think of now.
Krista –

Ok… you just are going to get Mom ideas… probably some cheesy stuff, some stuff your companions think is crazy but hopefully it will make you feel like not much has changed at home.
Where is Elder Hartman from? How long has he been out?
Tommy –

elder hartman is from draper utah and he has been out almost a year and 3/4
Krista – Is it starting to warm up in Adelaide? I am fighting off the thoughts of fall here. School is coming too fast!
Tommy – yeah its starting to warm up but its slow still. i got to go and organize some transfer logistics, love ya!
August 20
hey mom and dad so this week has been awesome. so first of all we got to meet gary e stevenson and he was really awesome. he did a personal training for the mission on saturday morning and i sang in a choir for him. i dont even know how to describe it. so elder hartman and i are like the same person its crazy so we get along really well. also my trainee is elder degn (pronounced dane) from malad idaho. he is really good and is so excited to be better. he is very quiet so the opposite of elder miague so its a little different. one of the big points of elder stevenson that stuck with me is that he said. “when people ask leaf questions, don’t respond with leaf answers. respond with root answers”
Brent – Nice!!!‎ I think mom will be impressed you sang in the choir. She is in Waterton and I am in Calgary with Jake. Where is Elder Hartman from?
Tommy – he is from draper utah
Brent – he is from draper utah
Krista – I’m here , just biking to the church so I don’t use all my data emailing you

we just had one for the missionaries and one for each stake
K – Did you just attend the one for Marion Stake? S Elder Degn is quiet. What else do you know about him?
B- ‎That is a great opportunity. Not many missionaries have that happen. So do you do everything in a group of three or do you split off. I’ve never heard of two zone leaders training a greenie.
K – Ran into Noah L at church today. All his mission papers are done and he just has to have the final interview with the stake president and hit send. He is trying to get them in quickly and then he’ll see where he goes and how long a wait. He shouldn’t have visa problems because he also has a Us passport. I’m excited for him
T – he is really big into snowboarding and yeah we also attended one for marion stake – the zone leaders in our mission train heaps. and thats awesome for noah!!
B- Billy S got sustained to be ordained an Elder today. He also spoke and did a good job.

no i didnt but elder hartman did
K- We had a fun afternoon in Waterton. I brought down a bunch of Food Network magazines and all the kids in our family and Pollock’s picked something to make. It was a little hodgepodge but lots of fun and tasted surprisingly good. Benny made white chocolate mousse and Drew mad stuffed zucchini, vegetable pasta , and also made sweet potato chips with Isabelle – Funny moment . I am sitting at wifi to email you and guess who just hobbled up…. you are right Taylor.!!!!! He is getting better and has a huge brace on his leg
B- ‎I’m sure he came for WiFi just so he could email his favorite cousin!
K- He is emailing his cousin now…. so maybe not his first motivation but still doing a good thing –

From Taylor….
Hey. So you can now sleep easier now I have be tentatively cured from the afflictions of my knee. I know it is a big deal, don’t get to excited. How has your boring mediocre life going so far other then sleepless nights thinking about my health?
T – hah its been good tay
K –

From Taylor,
Anything interesting happening? Taylor wonders about companions, animals, people you are teaching etc
K- I’m also wondering how your investigators are doing? Was this week too busy? – How’s this for a memory. Drew is running the dishes game for all the cousins and they are doing dishes in two cabins… poor Mark and Winston got called up tons
T- how come drew got to weasel out of that one  – my companions are really good
K- He did dishes yesterday and he was the only cousin old enough who knew the game and could run it
B- Gotta be some privileges for being oldest. Anything fun planned for PDAY today?
K- Everyone is getting dessert here….you can imagine the chaos… one of the funniest desserts is Nate who made a cake that looks like a wheel of cheese…..”cheesecake” get it!!!!!! -Benny says hi smelly how are you doing? Walker wishes he could send you a batch of his brownies. Clara misses you and remembers pulling candy off your shirt
Tommy –

haha tell them i say hi! and not really just have to get a lot of zone things done. we usually dont really have much of a p-day because of responsibilties. its all wporth it though to help the missionaries
B- Love the Oilers shirt. What a righteous and Noble cousin. – Maybe help the play a game of pool or help them improve their bowling game? 🙂
K- Clara wants to tell you that Kathlyn and Grace are in Singapore right now so they are the closest to you. Sabrina and Clara and Walker are watching me email you right now
T- haha not really – tell clara “apa kabar”
K- What does that mean? – Saya Suka Tommy says Clara…. that means I like Tommy
T-  it means how are you?

The kids here were quite interested in your pictures and knowing about your     mission. Sabrina was surprised that we didn’t FaceTime you all of the time so we talked about how you need to be focused on missionary work and we are proud of how you are focused.
Clara says Bike Saja which means I’m doing good

‎Better butter up to Mom and send pictures. She is currently assembling your Christmas package.
T- i have put a few on and will take more this week
K- Missionary Christmas is challenging!!!! The package has to be under 4 pounds and mission appropriate???? A great challenge!
T- i have to go love yous!!
K- Love you heaps!!!!!!

August 7, 2017

hey mom and dad, so nothing much has changed since we thursday. the zone is one that needs a lot of ministering. we are on the phone every night counselling missionaries so really busy. this weekend we were able to find 3 new investigators from nepal so i am learning some nepali. also yes elder heindel flies home on the 15th of august and his leavers trainings and stuff starts on friday so i basically become a single zone leader as of friday. The university is going great we updated presidnet parker and he has a member from firle ward (former state judge) working on getting us permits. other than that nothing really new. are you talking about lexie from the yellow cabin or lexie leishman?

love elder dickson
Krista – Lexie from the yellow cabin ( which is now the green cabin) . That is interesting about the Nepali inestigators? Are they Christian? A family or students?
Tommy – two are christian one is hindu, they are all students at flinders university. They painted it green? we spend majority of our time working around the university
Krista – That makes sense… It sounds like students are the most open to listening to the gospel. How is driving going? Are you getting used to having a car or do you sometimes still bike?
Brent – That is exciting teaching people from Nepal. You seem to be meeting people from many places, especially Asia. Matt Proctor’s grandpa died last week. He was 92 and died in his sleep. Sounds like a great way to end an awesome life. I am taking Grandpa and Grandma D up to the funeral on Wednesday.
Tommy – we still try to get on the bikes as much as possible because we can talk to more people that way but when we have to take care of zone business we usually need the car
Krista – Tell me about a couple of new missionaries you have met and something cool about them.
Tommy – oh goodness there are a lot of great missionaries mom, so ill tell you a little about a few

elder mikami: elder mikami’s grandma is a dickson so we are related. he is also one of the most patient people i know.
elder mcdonald: he is from south africa and has qualified for the olympics in karate
elder fepuleai: he is a big ol teddy bear. he is sooo loving and accepting of everyone
Krista – That is great that you are learning so much about them. Speaking of pants… where are you at with clothes? Are you running out of stuff? With the pants for the elder do you want me to shop and ship (might take a while to get there) or do you want the money put in your account and you can look on a PDay?
Brent –  Funny thing happens when you serve others, you come to like and love them. What is leaver training?  Do they do something special to get them ready to go home?  The Calgary Mission President and his wife were in our ward and bore their testimonies. They said that 37 missionaries went home last Friday and 29 new ones came. I guess they borrowed members vans to get them all to the airport. That would be quite a transition.
Krista – So how can you tell it is a holiday in Canada? This week Sundance Ward had 128 people and Waterton branch had 187 children under the age of 12. There were at least 75 people sitting outside on the lawn of the church. They even had chairs and a speaker out there. Waterton was so busy today that they closed the gates of the park for the first time ever for about an hour!
Tommy –

leavers training is when the missionaries going home get prepped for home and do things like “self reliance training” and others. to be honest in our mission it’s like a big secret what happens there
Krista – That cracks me up…. what do you do while he is in leavers training? Do you get to be in a group of three?
well another missionary in the zone is leaving also so i get his companion and we go out for the day
Brent – Sounds very mysterious:). Mom has been binging on disaster movies lately. She loves them and I admit I got sucked into some too. Now she is with an old friend Harry Potter. I am guessing that doesn’t surprise you – Tomorrow will be an exciting holiday Monday, more house painting!! Love that. I have had a pretty awesome July so I can’t complain. Haven’t been to Waterton yet but may get there for a bit before summer ends. I watched the Super Rugby final yesterday. It was the Crusaders from N Zealand vs the Lions from South Africa. Crusaders killed them. I think I am hooked on this Rugby thing.
Tommy – its crazy how good new zealand is
Krista – I saw a Facebook post today of the Farrer’s in the Darwin airport and then on the plane on the way to go home. I have loved seeing Sister Farrer’s posts. I feel like I really got to see a lot of your Darwin experience so I am grateful!
Tommy – she is in adelaide right now
Krista – Did you see the fabulous “Flat Tommy”? A little ridiculous I know but it was fun. I was laughing at how the teenage boys loved to kiss it!!!! Dad told you about Noah Laycock getting ready to go on a mission. That is really exciting for him! We are so glad
Krista made a Flat Tommy and took it down to Waterton for the Steed Family party on the long weekend.  He got a lot of attention from family and friends!
Tommy – yeah i was so excited to see that!
Brent – Some pretty big boys on the Crusaders. The Jays have fallen apart. It will take a miracle for them to make the playoffs. Drew’s Dodgers are on fire. They are on a 35-7 tear right now, best of any team in a stretch since 1927. My Eskimos are 6-0 despite having 18 players on the 6 game injures list. Calgary, BC, and Winnipeg all look really good too. The rest not so good. I think Calgary is the team to beat.
Krista – The Byams are starting to get excited for Layton to come home. he is serving in a Filipino ward right now so he is getting fed lots and getting to learn a little Tagalog. It is fascinating how you are learning little bits of so many different languages and cultures.
Brent – ABC – anyone but Calgary says the diehard Edmonton fan 🙂
Tommy – whatever
Krista – Grandpa Steed did the unbelievable and went to get blueberries at the coast with Isabelle and Bronwyn instead of going to the party yesterday… people were surprised. i’m sure he will show up in Waterton any minute and then over at our house by late tonight. Hopefully they were worth it!
Tommy – wow unbelievable
Krista – Boy those blueberries better be worth their weight in gold, or maybe it was just an excuse to go on a road trip!
Tommy – i thinkit was an excuse
Brent – I don’t care if it gets me some sweet Abbotsford blueberries. You will probably always think those are the best since it is your birthplace. Good stuff comes from Abbotsford!
Krista – I agree… or maybe just the desire to be a man of mystery! He also loves the social part of getting all of that fruit. What are the best fruit and vegetables to buy in Australia? Is there anything that is more expensive because it has to be imported?
Tommy – we get really cheap mangos and really cheap passion fruit but my fav is durian
Krista – Durian? I don’t think i have every tried it… isn’t it stinky????? Who introduced you to it?
Tommy – yeah it stinks but tastes sooo good, a member in darwin showed me
Krista – Hmmmm…. you will have to show me. Any pictures this week?
Brent – Never heard of it. Mangos, cherries, and blueberries are my jam.
Tommy – sorry im the worst at taking photos, i will upload next week  – sorry im the worst at taking photos, i will upload next week
Krista – Ok… I know you are busy but we love seeing you! What is coming up for the Marion Zone?
Tommy – nohing really big coming up other than transfers on monday. oh we are going bowling today as a district
Brent – Mangoes on the trees!!! Sounds Celestial, if it wasn’t for the intense heat and humidity. Maybe the price you pay for mangoes.
Krista – Mangoes on the trees!!! Sounds Celestial, if it wasn’t for the intense heat and humidity. Maybe the price you pay for mangoes.
Tommy – i will! and yeah staright up celestial  – has benny and drew gone through all my stuff yet?
Krista – Have fun! That will be a busy place with all those missionaries… take a few pictures. Benny is headed off to Volleyball camp this week. If he is decent a lefty is always in high demand
Tommy – ya i saw drew wearing my brown shoes
Krista – Yes I have to admit I offered those up…. they weren’t in your buckets and I figured you might want to buy new when you got home anyway…. My bad
Tommy – ok thats alright no worries
Brent – That could be. I don’t know who is who’s. I can punch him if you want. Benny and I are going to have a fire tonight. He found some Weinhards root beer we forgot about in the storeroom so we are going to get root beer wasted!!!
Tommy – i got to go ill email you next week love ya!

July 24, 2017

In Darwin Tommy had his scriptures dot painted by a member – it is a traditional aboriginal art form


hey mom and dad,

thats soo great to hear that moroni’s quest went well. i remember the one i attended vividly. i specifically remember when president craig walked over the hill. i will never forget that. It’s so good to hear that drew was able to have such personal spiritual experinces. Its really those that carry you through the trials.  this week has been pretty normal. as zone leader the chaos never ends. we are always running around solving problems. i cant really remember any other specifics.
love ya
Krista – I am glad to hear that you could help that Elder… helping him feel Christ’s love is the most important thing you can do. Hopefully he will continue to feel positive about being on a mission. It seems like you are very busy as a zone leader. Is it rewarding? What parts do you feel best about?
Tommy – yeah its really rewarding. we get to help a lot of missionaries. i feel best when we can encourage a missionary that they can do it and to not give up. we dont really get pdays just due to lack of time but thats ok
Brent – ‎Hey studly, that is awesome you were able to help that missionary. You are very good at that. I am off to the closing Moroni fireside with Benny and Bronwyn. Drew is at work. He had to work Sunday so he could be at Moroni Quest.
Krista – I’m glad, that seems like something you would be a natural at. Do you have more frequent interviews with President Parker to take care of all of that? I have to tell you a funny story. I posted the picture of you and Elder Heindel on the Adelaide mission site…. did you notice in the picture that you look a little like twins? I had to look twice!
Tommy – yeah but i got a new hair style so now we look different

Krista – Are the Farrers gone home now? Who is replacing them in Darwin?

Benny says cool scriptures and wants to know if you heard about Teigan… He goes to the Dominican Republic MTC?  Benny says loving your bed trololololol Bronwyn wants to know if you feel really cold after all of the hot weather.  They are gone now but I will tell them your answer
What is the new hairdo?
Tommy – yeah its really cold. and thats crazy i didnt even know there was an mtc there – ill send a picture next week
Krista – I can tell you are busier  as a zone leader because we don’t get as many pictures. Or maybe that is just because you are back in basically the same area. Do you go on splits as zone leaders? How many different areas are in the Marion Zone. I remember Aberfoyle and Trott and you are in Oaklands Park… What else?
Tommy – there are 12 companionships in the marion zone. – just busier
Krista – So does that mean 12 areas or do some companionships share an area? How many sisters?  I am kind of sad I don’t get to see the Moroni’s Quest Fireside. There are a ton of our ward who are characters. Brother O’ Brien is King Noah and dad said he braided his beard!!! Sister Frodsham made cupcakes for all the youth today… amazing! and Sister Mullen was asking about you today… I said you are good at helping others so being a zone leader lets you use your talents. Even is you are a little busy
Tommy – 12 areas, 4 sets of sisters – thats good to hear! sister frodsham is the best
Brent – ‎Sitting on the Parkland gym waiting for the fireside to start. It has been a hot day so I am cheating and came with no suit coat. Brother Torrie is doing the music so it should be epic. He had his grand piano shipped on because he didn’t like the church’s – ‎The cupcakes were delicious. They were celebrating pioneer day July 24 tomorrow. Brother Hudson and I had two each while counting tithing.
Krista – Do you get  Pday today or are you busy with Zone business?
Tommy – usually too busy
Krista – Do you remember when you got mom volunteered to be in the orchestra with Brother Torrie? We are lucky to have him in our Stake…. crazy talented! That males me want to go watch that video of you playing trombone for that carol festival. That seems like AGES ago!
Tommy – i gotta go, talk to you next week

July 9

hey mom and dad,

well its flipping cold down here. the past few days have been a killer. i have come from 35 degrees and humid every day to 11 degrees cold rain and dry. so im serving in an area called oaklands park. so that puts me in a new ward (marion ward). a zone leaders life is crazy. we attend 3 district meetings and we have to run errannds for companionships. plus trade offs and flat rock ups. so its pretty crazy. we have spent a total of like 4 hours in our area this week. it should be a little better now that we are over week one.  its nice to be back in marion. i get to see a lot of missionaries that i knew before. its pretty much like being a really big district leader except my companion is there to help. so elder heindel is from idaho. this is his last transfer and he has been in oaklands park since christmas (a long time). ill probably need to buy that coat. we are in carge of the biggest zone in the mission and im the designated driver so that means i do a lot of driving
Krista – What are s a flat rock up?
Tommy – yeah im comfportable with driving just took a little while to adjust and a flat rock up is when we crash another missionaries companionship study to check on them. we have keys to every flat in the zone so we will show up and make sure they are doing tjhe right things like not coming back to the flat early and stuff
Brent – ‎Hey, freezing at 11 C. You are a true Australian. Sounds like lots of different duties. Change is a good thing.
Krista –

That must be a little strange…
 Did you have that happen to you before you were a zone leader? How is the new ward? Do you have other missionaries in it?
Brent – ‎You sound like the enforcer! Just make sure to do it with love and a smile. Mission letters have changed from back in the day. Instant communication from Calgary, adelaide, and Washington DC – It is still really hot here at 7PM. I think I will take Jake to the lake at 8PM. I don’t think he can break the sabbath. I will read the ensign on shore :).
Tommy – that happened to me but i had never done it. the ward is awesome. the bishop ois really on board for missionary work and we have a gung ho ward mission leader who is smashing it! and yes we are in a flat with 4 missionaries. we have the glenelg elders with us (elder riding and elder mikami (cousin!!!)). and we also have the marion sisters in the ward sister buyanbadrakh and sister afualo
Krista – I remember seeing that picture of Elder Mikami. Who is Elder Riding? How long has he been out? Do you enjoy being in a flat with more missionaries? Well I guess the one thing that will be definite is that you will get a new companion in 6 weeks.
Brent – ‎Guess you won’t get lonely. Good to hear you have Bishop and mission Leader support. So are you going to brave the Cole and do something fun today? – ‎So the TV keeps getting interrupted for a Tornado warning just North of Calgary. Super hot day with a Tornado possibility. Not sure you get those down under.
Tommy – he was in firle with me. he has been out 4 months  – i love 4 elders, never a dull moment – not even close
Krista – What is your area like? Is it similar to the area you served with Elder Punou?
Brent – ‎Of course when I go swimming not so worried about crocs
Tommy – no its closer to evandale. a lot more units and like closer to the city. the photos we are sending is a member named rob deromano or “captain”. he has some handicaps but always has us over every wednesdya and we make him pancakes and french toast every saturday. – he loves the us navy – yeah i guess so, oh wait we dont swim  – i gotta go i love you have a great day
Brent – You are awesome. Have a great week
Krista – I love that. It is so nice when members support missionaries and missionaries return the favour. The US navy huh… well I am in the middle of Everything US military in DC right now. Wow that last picture of you and Elder Heindel was wacky….you look like you could be twins!!!!! I have been meaning to ask you . Would you be interested in having contacts? – Love you have a great week. Rock Oakdale!!!!!!!!
Tommy – jokes im back apparently we have longer email time as a zone leader because we have to update so much stuff – Oaklands park (we call it OKP) not oakdale – no not at all
Brent – So any big plans for today?
Tommy – we are going to costco!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brent – ‎Is it the same company as here? Do they have sweet hotdogs and lots of socks to buy?
Tommy – yeah its the exact same – tell drew to open to zachariah 5:1 (first documented food fight) – or psalms 137:9
Brent – ‎I’m getting him right now for his thoughts. – ‎He likes the idea of throwing stuff. It spiritually moved him. ‎Drew fun fact. At EFY he ate a lot of melons. ‎Not sure the significance of that.
Tommy – i think the second one is how we all feel when we are annoyed – if he reads verse two he will find out how big the bun is – why melons?
Brent – Drew says that is a huge bun. Drew is quite insightful.
Tommy – oh and big news gary e stevenson is coming to adelaide in a month
Brent – They taste good. As you can see he is a big talker. He has now left to watch Simpsons. He was able to give five minutes of his time for you. Touching. ‎Very cool. Is that the first General Authority visit for you. They have very cool and direct messages for missionaries.
Tommy – wow touching
Drew – He is a bit of a Simpsons junkie. He has 22 plus seasons to choose from.
Tommy – well we have had general 70’s in the past but now we have an apostle – i gotta go now. i love you
Brent – Proselyte like a boss! 🙂

Tuesday June 13

hey mom and dad this has been a good week. we have had zone conference with the parkers this week and it was great being able to see other missionaries other than the darwin zone. we have had a tough week investigator wise. our investigator eric has dropped off the face of the earth. hes hasnt replied to our texts for the past while so hopefully he will get back to us. this week the katherine elders also came up and stayed with us. so got to spend a lot of time with them. we also found a new investigator antoine (from france). he is pretty keen so we’ll see how it goes. other than that a pretty normal week. we also took president to a mall we have been trying to get into and he is super excited for it.

Krista – That is cool about the zone conference. Do you get along with the Katherine elders? They stayed in your flat? What do you mean about taking president to a mall? Does that mean you proselyte in the mall?

Tommy – we have a mall in our area that everybody goes to in all of darwin and we are trying to get a pop up stand and missionaries in it. and yeah i love the katherie elders

Krista – That’s cool . Will the mall allow a pop up stand? They have them in Adelaide right ? Did you end up getting your package from the Parkers? I was wondering if it got to Adelaide in time

Tommy – we didnt get the package so im guessing it hasnt got here yet

Brent = Sounds like a little bit of opposition. Makes for some opportunities. The mall idea sounds cool. So what we’re you up to yesterday for the Queens birthday?

Krista – Oh well… it was for Canada Day so maybe there will be a chance that it will get to Adelaide and get mailed up to you. What did you learn at zone conference !

Tommy – we had our zone conference all day and its weird australians take it so seriously. and guess what northern territory day is on july 1st so we most likely will be in the flat early that day

Krista – What happens on Northern Territory day? It will be cool to see how differently they celebrate. Are you allowed to be part of the festivities

Brent – Take a moment to sing O Canada on July 1

Tommy – its the only time and place in australia where they can light fireworks so people spend thousands of dollars buying them. and a lot of people will be drunk apparently last year somebody almost hit a missionary with a roman candle.

Brent – Don’t be a target. Hopefully you see some cool fireworks.

Krista – Wow…. I suppose they really have to worry about fire from sparks… so much for having a holiday as a missionary! How long did Parkers stay? What did they teach?

Tommy – they stayed for the weekend and they taught about working with members

Krista – Did they bring the assistants with them? Did you do anything special as a zone? I am sitting right now watching Benny Marcus and Lance practicing rugby – Was it your idea about the mall stand? That is really smart

Tommy – yes they brought the assistants with them. and no nothing special. yeah elder ivory and i thought abut getting missionaries in the mall

Krista – Smart Smart!!!! It sounds like you and Elder Ivory are a good team. What is coming up for Pday today?

Brent – You must be smarter than the average bear / elder. How much time do you spend at the University?

Tommy – twice a week

Krista – Are there any cool outdoor things you can do or is it too hot?

Tommy – there is but its pretty far away so we have to coordinate with the farrers to drive us

Krista – So what epic training did awesome district leader Elder Dickson work on this week – Oh that must take a little planning. Any more spot inspections? I tell you this neither Drew or Ben would pass right now!

Tommy – i didnt have to give one due to zone conference – no none yet – we played basketball with some kids who are coming to sport night now

Krista – So what is the plan for next weeks training? Any more frog encounters or dinner appointments

Brent – Tell me about sport night. We used to do Saturday morning sports an D invite local youth. Some baptisms came out of it.

Tommy – we do it tuesday night and have heaps of non members come. – not sure yet for the training still gotta pray about it –

Krista – Sounds like you have lots of good ideas. I guess all of that South Calgary basketball is paying off! Is it always basketball?

Tommy – always basketball

Brent – I think the Sports is a good idea. Let’s you meet kids in a more natural setting. Never know where it can lead. Just don’t foul too many kids 🙂 – Only 2 days of classes left. I think I will make it. Did Link Crew training after school today. Drew was keeping the tradition of loud and proud up.

Tommy – thats sweet it feels so weird to not be at school anymore

Krista – I’ll be glad to hear it. I’m glad you are doing great work on your mission. School will come again soon enough

Brent – I think it is okay to miss final exams. Plenty of time for that later.

Tommy – haha it will – yeah im ok with that

Krista – Yep…. dad and I are definitely ready to be missing school for a bit! I’m sure Benny and Drew are feeling the same. Need a new cooking idea…. what is your latest favorite?

Tommy – we have been doing chicken alfredo

Brent – I’m getting a bit Rugby addicted. Recording games on TV and watching.

Tommy – they had an nrl game up here on tuesday. it was the queensland cowboys vs the parramatta eels

Krista- Hmmm sounds like a good idea I don’t make pasta very much. I’m sure with all of your biking you must be able to eat pretty much anything. And I’m sure you’re in great shape – What great names! Not sure. You would have a team over here named the eels

Brent – Go Eels? Not sure I am a rugby league fan. Drew and I weren’t impressed. Maybe we are snobs and should give it another try.

Tommy – its an easier game but they aussies love it   i gotta go i love you bye!

Krista – Love you… don’t get discouraged. You have great ideas and the Lord will bless you. We have faith in you


Brent – You Are my favorite missionary in the whole world!




Tommy is transferred to Darwin!

Fun fact: Getting transferred from Adelaide to Darwin is the same distance as Calgary to Houston.  Yes Tommy flew.

Hey Mom and Dad so sorry about the late email. So transfers happened and I got shipped to Darwin! I’m the Palmerston district leader in Darwin and my new companion is…… Elder Ivory!(They were together in the MTC)  We are in an area called Malak. So Elder Miague is still in Evandale and his new companion is Elder Hobby. Other than that it has been a pretty normal week. It’s really freaking hot here though. 90% humidity and 30 degrees (there’s the weather report for grandpas). We are doing great and it should be a really good transfer.

so I don’t think I will need a winter jacket

April 30

Hey Mom and Dad so this week has been pretty good. We were able to get a new investigator named Gideon this week. Gideon is from Kenya and he has had a rough life. He told us stories of watching people starve to death so needless to say he has a tough time believing in God. This week we were also able to go on trade offs with the zone leaders. Elder Leutele (from new zealand) and I got to stay in evandale and smash it here. Other than that it has been really normal. Our converts are doing great and paul is slowly progressing.

  1. read d&c 50 or d&c 112 is what I do to lift myself when I’m feeling down.
  2. adobo is my favorite new food I’ve tried.
    10. Investigators would say this about me i talk really fast and tell stories

Brent – Hey buddy, I’m cheating in the Moroni’s quest fireside and am emailing you. How cool to meet someone like Gideon. I loved teaching Africans in Sweden. Amazing people. The convert  baptism went great. We were in the RS room at Parkland. It was packed. All the YM were standing. At least 10 non members from Centennial came. A good day

Krista – Oh… that is no surprise that you talk really fast and it makes sense that you  are a storyteller coming from your family. I am glad to hear about the two sections of D&C . I will make that my scripture study for this week. So Paul and Gideon and remind me again the name of your Chinese investigator… and what is adobo?

Tommy – his name is martin and adobo is a filipino food that elder miague taught me how to cook. super simple but really good. and yeah the africans are always really receptive – that is sweet i dont even remember convert baptisms in sundance

Brent – Neither do we! It is pretty great.

Krista – Ok… so just saying Philipino food is not that descriptive… any more info? Tell me what you did on splits and a little about your Zone leaders

Tommy – its like meat and filipino soy sauce (very different)  on rice – same as usual finding

Ben – Ben- hey Tommy on our program it says your returning auust 2017

Tommy – one more year

Krista – Hmmm… I will have to look it up and try to find how to make it. Sounds interesting. Where do you go to find in your area? – I think Benny meant 2018 the part he likes is that there is no G in August  …Auust. We look for it every week…  it’s kind of a tradition now

Ben- doh somehow I forgot the year

Tommy – we do a lot of door knocking in a place called campbelltown – haha all good benny

Krista – What is your favorite way to contact people? What are you the best at and what are you trying to improve at?

Tommy – i am not the best at going slow with my contacts, the easiest way to talk to people is on the street because they cant run away

Ben- hey did mom tell you I’m playing Rugby now it is really fun I bit too hard on my mouth guard now it gets stuck in

Tommy – good you want it to get stuck because then it wont fall out – what position are you playing?

Krista – Oh that cracks me up… what a surprise that you are not into details and going slow… sound familiar Benny??? I also laughed at “they can’t  run away”… they also probably can’t send their dogs after you 🙂

Ben- no like have to pop it out from the back. Don’t know my position yey

Krista – Tell me about some of the personalities of the missionaries you work with senior or junior… Who is the most serious? Who likes a good joke?  Who is a good cook? Who is a fierce teacher?

Tommy – exactly – everyone in the district are jokers. i have to be the serious one which is no fun

Ben – in my first practice I scored a try

Tommy – elder garbutt and miague are good cooks – thats sweet!

Krista – That is a hard thing when you have to be a leader… you told me about the adobo… what does Elder Garbutt like to cook? What has become your go to meal for you to cook?

Tommy – i cook a lot of mexican and assorted

Krista – What is coming up for you for PDay… any new training on the horizon?

Ben- thanks, on Friday I went to comiccon. Me and my friend played classic brawl

Tommy – classic brawl how was it?

Krista – What about the senior missionaries? Who is like a mom or dad? Who is a great teacher? Who is a details person?

Tommy – i have been training a lot for meetings speaking of, dad do you have any good leadership trainings that can be applied to the gospel?

Ben- really fun you can be mew two in it witch is awsome

Tommy – and sister smith is like leder miague and i’s mom

Brent – I will have to send you something next week.

Tommy – ok sweet im running out of ideas for trainings

Krista – What!!! I don’t understand, I think you were typing too fast.. explain about Sister Smith and Elder Miague

Tommy – sister smith is like a mom to elder miague and i. she makes sure we are fed

Ben- one thing I got was a pin with cat Head in a cupcake cup with a unicorn horn

Brent – Taylor says hi. The boys and I gotta go. Have a great week.

Krista – What about using the story of Jake in Cameron Lake… He kept swimming deeper and deeper, having a great time and he had no idea that there was a big drop off and that the water was so cold he could be in danger. Finally a man in a kayak pushed him to the shore… could use the analogy of sometimes we don’t know the dangers of what we are doing or what is around the corner… have to listen to people on shore(spirit) and get help from the Lord and others to avoid danger… reminds me of President Packer’s crocodile story.

I have always been interested in animals and birds and when I was a little boy and the other children wanted to play cowboy, I wanted to go on safari to Africa and would pretend I was hunting the wild animals.

When I learned to read, I found books about birds and animals and came to know much about them. By the time I was in my teens I could identify most of the African animals. I could tell a klipspringer from an impala, or a gemsbok from wildebeest.

I always wanted to go to Africa and see the animals, and finally that opportunity came. Sister Packer and I were assigned to tour the South Africa Mission with President and Sister Howard Badger. We had a very strenuous schedule and had dedicated eight chapels in seven days, scattered across that broad continent.

President Badger was vague about the schedule for September 10th. (That happens to be my birthday.) We were in Rhodesia, planning, I thought, to return to Johannesburg, South Africa. But he had other plans, and we landed at Victoria Falls.

“There is a game reserve some distance from here,” he explained, “and I have rented a car, and tomorrow, your birthday, we are going to spend seeing the African animals.”

Now I might explain that the game reserves in Africa are unusual. The people are put in cages, and the animals are left to run free. That is, there are compounds where the park visitors check in at night and are locked behind high fences until after daylight they are allowed to drive about, but no one is allowed out of his car.

We arrived in the park in the late afternoon. By some mistake, there were not enough cabins for all the visitors, and they were all taken when we arrived. The head ranger indicated that they had a cabin in an isolated area about eight miles from the compound and we could spend the night there.

Because of a delay in getting our evening meal, it was long after dark when we left the compound. We found the turnoff and had gone up the narrow road just a short distance when the engine stalled. We found a flashlight and I stepped out to check under the hood, thinking that there must be a loose connection or something. As the light flashed on the dusty road, the first thing I saw was lion tracks!

Back in the car, we determined to content ourselves with spending the night there! Fortunately, however, an hour or two later we were rescued by the driver of a gas truck who had left the compound late because of a problem. We awakened the head ranger and in due time we were settled in our cabin. In the morning they brought us back to the compound.

We had no automobile, and without telephones there was no way to get a replacement until late in the day. We faced the disappointment of sitting around the compound all day. Our one day in the park was ruined and, for me, the dream of a lifetime was gone.

I talked with a young ranger, and he was surprised that I knew many of the African birds. Then he volunteered to rescue us.

“We are building a new lookout over a water hole about twenty miles from the compound,” he said. “It is not quite finished, but it is safe. I will take you out there with a lunch, and when your car comes late this afternoon we will bring it out to you. You may see as many animals, or even more, than if you were driving around.”

On the way to the lookout he volunteered to show us some lions. He turned off through the brush and before long located a group of seventeen lions all sprawled out asleep and drove right up among them.

We stopped at a water hole to watch the animals come to drink. It was very dry that season and there was not much water, really just muddy spots. When the elephants stepped into the soft mud the water would seep into the depression and the animals would drink from the elephant tracks.

The antelope, particularly, were very nervous. They would approach the mud hole, only to turn and run away in great fright. I could see there were no lions about and asked the guide why they didn’t drink. His answer, and this is the lesson, was “Crocodiles.”

I knew he must be joking and asked him seriously, “What is the problem?” The answer again: “Crocodiles.”

“Nonsense,” I said. “There are no crocodiles out there. Anyone can see that.”

I thought he was having some fun at the expense of his foreign game expert, and finally I asked him to tell us the truth. Now I remind you that I was not uninformed. I had read many books. Besides, anyone would know that you can’t hide a crocodile in an elephant track.

He could tell I did not believe him and determined, I suppose, to teach me a lesson. We drove to another location where the car was on an embankment above the muddy hole where we could look down. “There,” he said. “See for yourself.”

I couldn’t see anything except the mud, a little water, and the nervous animals in the distance. Then all at once I saw it!—a large crocodile, settled in the mud, waiting for some unsuspecting animal to get thirsty enough to come for a drink.

Suddenly I became a believer! When he could see I was willing to listen, he continued with the lesson. “There are crocodiles all over the park,” he said, “not just in the rivers. We don’t have any water without a crocodile somewhere near it, and you’d better count on it.”

The guide was kinder to me than I deserved. My “know-it-all” challenge to his first statement, “crocodiles,” might have brought an invitation, “Well, go out and see for yourself!”

I could see for myself that there were no crocodiles. I was so sure of myself I think I might have walked out just to see what was there. Such an arrogant approach could have been fatal! But he was patient enough to teach me.

My young friends, I hope you’ll be wiser in talking to your guides than I was on that occasion. That smart-aleck idea that I knew everything really wasn’t worthy of me, nor is it worthy of you. I’m not very proud of it, and I think I’d be ashamed to tell you about it except that telling you may help you.

Those ahead of you in life have probed about the water holes a bit and raise a voice of warning about crocodiles. Not just the big, gray lizards that can bite you to pieces, but spiritual crocodiles, infinitely more dangerous, and more deceptive and less visible, even, than those well-camouflaged reptiles of Africa.

These spiritual crocodiles can kill or mutilate your souls. They can destroy your peace of mind and the peace of mind of those who love you. Those are the ones to be warned against, and there is hardly a watering place in all of mortality now that is not infested with them.

On another trip to Africa I discussed this experience with a game ranger in another park. He assured me that you can indeed hide a crocodile in an elephant track—one big enough to bite a man in two.

He then showed me a place where a tragedy had occurred. A young man from England was working in the hotel for the season. In spite of constant and repeated warnings, he went through the compound fence to check something across a shallow splash of water that didn’t cover his tennis shoes.

“He wasn’t two steps in,” the ranger said, “before a crocodile had him, and we could do nothing to save him.”

It seems almost to be against our natures, particularly when we are young, to accept much guidance from others. But, young people, there are times when, regardless of how much we think we know or how much we think we want to do something, that our very existence depends on paying attention to the guides.

Now, it is a gruesome thing to think about that young man who was eaten by the crocodile. But that is not, by any means, the worst thing that could happen. There are moral and spiritual things far worse even than the thought of being chewed to pieces by a monstrous lizard.

Fortunately there are guides enough in life to prevent these things from happening if we are willing to take counsel now and again.

Some of us are appointed now, as you will be soon, to be guides and rangers. Now we don’t use those titles very much. We go under the titles of parents—father and mother—bishop, leader, adviser. Our assignment is to see that you get through mortality without being injured by these spiritual crocodiles.

I’m glad Sister Smith is so awesome. Their flat is close to where you live right?

Tommy – around the corner

Krista – That was lucky! Jake is rocking out to the Lion King. I swear I could sing all of those songs in my sleep!!!!!!! Sang with the priests for the first time last week. They did well. Coy sang with them but also showed them a funny email Sister Woodruff sent to him giving him a lifetime exemption from Ward Choir. I suggested Drew go this week… Let’s just say he was hoping for an exemption too

Tommy – haha that is funny

Krista – Yep…there was all sorts of stuff like” it would be detrimental to the testimonies of his family and the ward”. Not sure it is that bad but the priests enjoyed it. May tomorrow finally feels like we can hope for Spring. Have you found that you have adjusted ti the weather enough now that the 19c fall weather feels cold in Adelaide? Are you glad for no more hot weather? I shouldn’t say that because then maybe you will get transferred to somewhere like Darwin where it is always hot

Tommy – gotta go love ypu