April 23

Hey Mom and Dad so nothing much has really changed since Thursday. We had a really cool opprotunity on Saturday though to go to the temple with the youth form our ward. We were asked to come and help with baptisms because of not enough priesthood so we did the confirmations. Other than that this week has been pretty normal. A lot of finding and it is slowly coming. We were able to have lunch with the Smiths yesterday and it was sooo good! oh this week was also firle stake conference which was really cool because the area seventy shared about how we need to catch the wave! Totally a coincidence but he also shared a video of hark all ye nations and that we need to have that enthusiasm. Total testimony builder!

  1. speak many different languages (tagalog, chinese, punjab)  is something I know how to do now, that I never thought I would.

6.. I feel best on my mission when I had the opprotunity to baptize darcy

Brent – Hey stud. We are here. I just got off the phone with Grandma D. She downloaded Rugby rules for dummies an do was explaining stuff. That is a dedicated Grandma. They came to Drew’s game last week

Tommy – haha i heard! so who is playing what position on the back line?

Brent – I don’t know. It shifts around a lot. The key guys are Isaac G, Issac W, Kees, Matt B. They make everything happen. Unfortunately Konor Yee broke his arm. Not sure when he is back.

Tommy – ok i see so pretty similar to last year plus matt b

Brent – Benny’s first Rugby practice is tomorrow. Lance Watson and Marcus Woodruff are on his team.

Krista – Ok, Ok…. lots of rugby. Now tell me about your lunch with Smiths and the temple!

Tommy – the senior couple smiths just invited us for lunch and it was awesome. and we got asked by bishop to do confirmations

Krista – Just you and your companion? Where did you go? How many youth were at the temple? Was it your whole district at the temple or just the two of you?

Tommy – just the two of us and about 6 youth

Brent – Quinn Stewart reported his mission from Iceland today. Only 8 missionaries in Iceland. 100 members attend in two branches on a given Sunday. He bore his testimony in Icelandic and I understood about 70%.

Tommy – we have more youth in sundance ward than all of firle stake  – sweet he’s home now? that was fast

Brent – That’s okay. I bet it takes real strength to be faithful in your Stake.

Krista – Tell me a little about the new investigator that you have committed to baptism.

Tommy – yeah his name is martina dn we dont know heaps about him. he is from china and has moved over for school and our recent convert introduced us to him

Krista – I bet those Firle youth are learning to be very strong and will be great leaders in the church. Quinn mentioned that the mission in Iceland had only been reopened since the 1970s. He also told a story about being up north and in an area 6 hours away from other missionaries where there were only 5 members to begin with. I think that is the way the church is in a lot of places. What a great opportunity and challege – Are the Smiths the new senior missionaries? Did you just go to lunch at a restaurant with them? Tell me a little bit about them?

Tommy – yes they are new senior missionaries and we ate at their flat – and yeah its tough to be youth here

Krista – It sounds like there is a lot of missionary work going on in Adelaide with Chinese students and converts. With the new branch and the teaching centre I hear they are quite busy. It is nice that you have that opportunity to teach someone from China too.  I think without regular missionaries in China this must be the way the Lord is bringing the church to China as all these students either go home or teach their families.  How old is Martin? Single?

Tommy – he is single and 25 – and yeah for sure thats the way the lord is getting into china

Brent – Jake just ran by with his iPad listening to Raffi. He has his cats in space shirt on that we bought him. Some things don’t change.

Krista – So when you committed him to baptism, how much longer do you teach him before his date? Had he had any discussions before?

Tommy – we are going to have to move his date due to his comprehension but we arent sure yet

Krista – Do you have his friend translate for him or do you have a Mandarin missionary come to discussions with you?

Tommy – we teach him in english

Krista -Oh my goodness! Dad was bragging about Jake’s lying cat shirt to our home teachers. Lets just say I think they thought Dad was crazy. Flying cats maybe not too much their thing! Benny also went home teaching today because Drew had to work… Now all three boys have home taught the Mc Cues. I really should be checking to see if there are any new Who’s Your Hero books… You can only find a mouse so many times!

Tommy – yeah seriously those saved us

Brent – I went rogue with a different lesson today. Talked about being joyful. In the middle of it Kathryn accidently dumped a bunch of nacho chip crumbs on the floor. Jenny Lynn just said to keep going. I think they are pretty comfortable with us.

Krista – So Dad heads to Winterpeg (AKA Winnipeg) tomorrow. He is sad to be missing rugby but I think he might like the peace and quiet. Too bad it is not a more tropical destination but hopefully no snow

Tommy – hahah love winterpeg

Brent – Mom is overestimating the peace and quiet factor it can be pretty busy.

Tommy –  I have to go, love you!

April 19

This week has been pretty normal. We were able to put somebody on baptismal date though! His name is martin and he is a referral from our recnet convert wei wei. he is super solid. other than that it has been a really normal week. Lots of finding. One day this week we found for 6 hours straight. heres those ad-libs you wanted :p


  1. The funniest members of the ward are szas mckay and that’s because they are sooo caring and loves to laugh. he will literally crack any joke he can to get the missionaries to laugh.


  1. One of my prayers was answered when we put martin on baptismal date



  1. “did you know that cumquats are a fake fruit”  is the funniest thing an investigator has said to me.

April 10 New Tommy Video

hey mom and dad,

Yes at this point we have seen conference and it was awesome. Us as missionaries were jumping in our seats when Elder Costa started to talk! Nothing too interesting has happened this week other than transfers. But we didn’t move. So all good means I don’t have to pack! Elder Miague and I are getting along really well. And no paul has had a rough week. He had his alarm system go on the fritz when he was supposed to come to general conference so he wasn’t able to attend 😦 I had three favourite talks 1) L. Whitney Clayton on how whatever Christ says, do it 2) Gary B Sabin about how we have to be all in not just lukewarm 3) Deiter F Uchtdorf on fear. other than that its been a pretty normal week. crazy with transfers but normal.

Brent – Hey,hey Sitting and watching Star Wars the original with your Bros. Classic – Maybe you need to go live with Paul and guard his house. He has had it rough.

Krista – We figured you would stay put because you have only been in the area for one transfer. Did anyone else in your district move? Will you have some new missionaries?

Tommy – did you like gary b sabins refrence to star wars? – there are 12 new missionaries and nobody moved in the district but sister jorakhe will be training. and seriously satan is working on him

Brent – Yes it must mean Star Wars is true. I really liked the missionary talk. I was thinking of you.

Krista – I will have to go and check that out… I don’t remember. How do you continue to reference conference talks? Do you all get an Ensign? Are you allowed to print talks out? Does that mean 12 new in the mission? Are any of them in your district.. is Sister Jorakkhe in your dostrict?

Tommy – yes sister jorakkhe is in my district and is gonna train one of the 12 new to the mission. we put them on a usb and listen to them. in a bit we will get the ensign and we can print if we want

Krista – Are there any other new trainers that you know? Do you have any plans for Easter. I didn’t send a particular Easter package because I think it would have melted, but buy yourself some chocolate eggs for me 🙂

Brent – So great you have access to conference. In Sweden we would see one session two months later. We only got an English Ensign if someone mailed it.

Tommy – oh wow we watch all the sessions but they are a week late and no not that I know

Brent – Just watched your video with your companion. Drew says it is Mom funny but I think it rocks.

Krista – Just watched your mission motto video. Cracked me up!!!! Drew just thought it was “mom” funny. That is really cool. Did President Parker write that? It seems like you are enjoying each other as companions

Tommy – yeah president wrote that

Brent – So any special plans for Easter?   I plan on stealing from the boys baskets.

Tommy – not that I know of

Krista -LOVE IT! You are becoming a powerful missionary.  I am excited to go and read your favorite talks this week. That will be my scripture study focus – Yep the young missionary teaching his mom… how do you like that! There should be a package that will get to you before your next transfer. It is pretty silly… maybe that can count as Easter. How are your shoes holding up? ( How’s that for  a mom question!!!)

Brent – So Sis Johnson asked me to be involved in Moroni Quest reenactments but I had to say no because I am in charge of activities. She wanted me to be Laman. Not sure if that is a compliment. They didn’t seem to think of me as Nephi.

Tommy – yeah my shoes are holding up because im applying the advice tanner steed gave me for shoes. to alternate pairs each day -that’s ok in all the skits we do here for zone trainings im always the bad guy

Brent – So it runs in the family. I guess you are a missionary shoe Ninja.

Krista – I think you get to be the bad guy because you are big and can look scary… probably the same for dad. I’m not sure your smaller companion would look all that scary! We had our 18th priest ordained today (Cody Rice) I am lucky or foolish enough to get to work with them and have them all sing in Sacrament meeting at the end of May… I will be sure to bring treats!!!! We are doing a missionary medley

Tommy – far out that is more preists than all of the youth in the firle ward

Brent – I think we are up to 84 total youth. Keeps the Bishop busy with interviews.

Krista – What mission events are coming up for you?  i am still in love with Sister Parker’s blog . It gives me such a great picture of what is happening in the mission. I also sometimes look at the blogs of the senior missionaries in the other areas. You are so blessed in having the Parkers and the great senior missionaries!

Tommy –  I don’t know of any big events really and that is almost the whole firle ward dad

Krista – It is a little ridiculous but very exciting. it will be quite the choir but I have to admit I will be talking to a couple of men in the ward to be “ringers” in case the priests don’ sing too loud. I think Sundance Ward is an anomaly even in the rest of the stake. There certainly aren’t the same number of youth in the other wards. Have you got to know the youth in your new ward? Are there any priests? What a great opportunity for mentorship and strengthening! I think you are really blessed to serve in a ward  that is small and you can really serve the members and make a difference. What a great mission!

Brent- We have had a lot of people move in, even since you left. Take the opportunity to connect with their youth. You never know the impact you can have.

Tommy – that’s what we are trying to do

Brent – The Millennium Falcon just escaped the Death Star. Spoiler alert Ben got killed

Tommy – nooooooo    (editorial comment by Dad – this is my favorite response from Tommy this week)

Krista – Good for you… you would be a natural at that. It will be so important for those youth to be strong for their communities and their families. Our ward is doing a big focus on Family History (right up my alley) We are having a ward temple day coming up soon and one of the new couples in our ward is working on a new temple and family history program. the snacks in Nursery are great but I have to admit I am a little jealous!

Brent – I feel confident they will be able to take out the death star. A little creepy watching Luke oogle Leah. I prefer the ASLC version. Carrie Fischer who played Leah passed away around Christmas.

Tommy – yeah I heard about that. sad…..

Krista – And the kids are pretty darn cute… there is this little boy who has the biggest cheeks you have ever seen and he is a dancing and singing machine. He reminds me a little of you. Although Brother Gilson does like to bring recorders…. so imagine recorders in 2 year olds mouths…. just a little less than musical!

Tommy – haha about as talented as me :p

Krista – Oh those nursery kids have some pretty awesome moves… a little London Bridge, some 5 little Monkeys, Ring  Around the Rosy… it has been a while since I lived in that world. Benny asked me if he could skip deacons and come instead maybe a little more active ( on second thought maybe deacons is busier) Benny uses all his active self on Drew since you are not here to distract and let’s just say Drew is not all that impressed! I can’t remember, remind me , where does Elder Miague sit in his family. How many siblings?

Tommy – he is the oldest of four

Brent – The oldest child must make him extremely noble.

Krista – So you are similar… cool. Are you busy contacting this week or do you have any other possible investigators you are teaching? Dad and I have a SLIGHT oldest child bias… and if you stretch because of Jake we might just let you in that club!

Tommy – very busy contacting – haha yes! I have to go love ya bye!


March 26, April 2

March 26

hey Mom and Dad,

This week has been crazy sooooo many meetings. We had the funeral on Wednesday and arrivers training on Thursday and zone conference on Friday. Crazy. But singing at Elder Sennetts funeral was a really good experience. We had 70 missionaries singing and it was really powerful, and YES! Darcy got baptized on Friday night at 7pm and boy was he nervous. He asked us a million and one questions before going into the water. It was a really good baptismal service half the ward attended it! We were also able to get a lot of less active members along to the baptism. Other than that this week has been awesome. Tons of meetings and boy was I spiritually drained after Friday. Going to conference should be a great experience but don’t tell me anything because in Australia we see it one week later.  Ofa atu!

Elder Dickson

Krista – Ofa atu???? What is that ?  I’m so glad about Darcy and I’m glad you had some less actives at the baptism. Do you have a picture? Do you work with the less actives alot?

Tommy – ofa atu means love you in tongan

Krista – Hooray… I’m surprised arrivers training was so late… didn’t you do that already? Or did those visas come through for the other missionaries? How is Elder Miague doing?

Tommy – its the second one and he is doing great far out I swear he’s training me

Krista – That is great. Did you do anything for your birthday? What are you going to spend the money on?

Tommy – we made puffed wheat squares and a cake and im not sure yet

Krista – I saw that picture of the puffed wheat squares… that cracks me up. Do Australians know what puffed wheat squares are? How was Zone conference… what did you do?

Tommy – no they have no clue I brought them to ward correlatrion meeting and the ward mission leader was really confused and it was really good we got trainings from sister parker, president and the assistants

Krista – So did they like the puffed wheat squares? Maybe it is just a Canadian Prairie thing. What did Sister and President Parker teach?

Tommy – they loved them and asked for the recipe and the taught about teaching repentance

Krista – That’s great I just wanted to be sure I didn’t miss you. It sounds like Evandale has lots of work to be done. I was so happy to see the baptism photos. You will always remember that. That one event is worth your whole mission. I’m proud of you and so happy for Darcy. I’m sure this week will be a little quieter after such a big week. I cant even imagine training, funeral, baptism, conferences. It will be nice to just teach. Do you have any other investigators?

Tommy – yeah we have a man named paul who wants to be baptized

Krista – Cool… is everybody an islander ? New Zealand, Tonga, Samoa etc…..How far is Morialta away from you?  Tell me a bit about Paul

Tommy – New Zealand isn’t considered islander unless you are maori – and its like a 30 min bike ride – paul is a wonderful man in his 50’s who just lost both his parents. he already has a testimony of the word of wisdom. he was a former investigator of the assistants who just lost contact with them

Krista – That sounds like a great opportunity. What stage is he at in his teaching? Are you working with him or are the assistants?

Tommy – we are working with him and he is just starting again

Krista – Paul??? Your investigator? How did they ever contact him then? Just goes to show a change of heart is real!

Tommy – yeah we are working with an awesome family who are just being butts and not coming to church

Krista – Well… that’s an interesting way to put it… do they have kids, teenagers?

Tommy – yeah they have two young kids 3 and 1 and they love the missionaries and the gospel but aren’t coming to church

Krista – Ofa atu… got to go and get Jake in the bath… Have a wonderful week. Mom

April 2

This week has been a crazy one also. So we were only able to see Darcy once this week because he is preparing to go down to tazzy (Tasmania) this week. He is doing great though, He is super keen to be a home teacher and president Kelley (EQ) is super pumped for that. Paul has been having a very rough month. For the past three weeks his water line was sabotaged. This week his house was broken into. It just goes to show you how satan works on those that are preparing. other than that it has been a normal week. We went on trade offs with the other elders in the district this week and had to build them up on a few things but they are really great missionaries. Its been a lot of finding this week and not very much success but we know that it is coming so we push forward.

Isaiah 43:2

love Eder Dickson

Brent – Is Paul an investigator or less active?

Tommy – investigator

Brent – Are you able to help Paul out. Maybe guard his house :). mom and the boys loved conference. They were on the main floor row 13 on the left side. They didn’t know the tickets were so good. They came in and we’re told to take the elevator down to the main floor. Whooooo – So it has been a weather and geographic themed dinner with the two Grandpas.

Tommy – haha yeah lots of talk about Chinooks im sure – lots of door knocking and some street contacting. and really good just slow

Brent – No, lots more talk about what can kill you in Australia. People were worried about the cyclone that hit NE Australia. Is Tom okay. That is the same as asking if the storm in Halifax impacted us in Calgary. Grandma D wants to know if it is still super hot and are you on bikes.

Tommy – no that’s like asking if an earthquake in chile affected Calgary. there arte a set of mountains and a whole desert between us and the cyclone -no it has started to cool down 18-25 degrees and lots of rain. yes we are still on bikes

Brent – Grandpa Steed is really impressed but questioning the accuracy of your geography. Super nerdy  Grandpa said something really needs about the height of Chilean mountains. You fill in the blanks. – Grandma D – do your pants still fit. Are u losing weight.

Tommy – of course but it is as insignificant as that – losing weight and the pants are still the same

Brent – Grandpa S says takes a Nerd to know one. One day you will be obsessing over the clouds at the head of the lake just like Grandpa

Tommy – haha actually I predicted the weather like that a day ago

Brent – Grandpa D is lazy and laying on the couch. He has no questions. Just thinks you are pretty cool. Grandpa S is telling Grandma D about sharks. True Story in Australia. In that cyclone a shark got thrown inland. A 3 foot bull shark showed up inland quite a few feet in a pool of water. They confirmed it got thrown from the ocean. Sharknado is real.

Tommy – sharknado strikes again

Brent – I think Grandpa S has a tear in his eye. He is so proud. Turns out the flooding pushed the shark inland and whe the water retreated the shark was stuck

Tommy – sharknado Adelaide edition…..but I don’t think chainsaws are approved

Brent – As your father and patriarch if danger from a sharknado arrives I give you authority to find a chain saw and arm yourself. How is your companion doing? Do you see the Parkers much. If I don’t ask mission questions Mom will get mad. She won’t want everything about sharks.

Tommy – we see the parkers quite a bit considering we live down the street. and he is doing awesome will for sure be a future leader

Brent – Grandpa D wants you to know the Oilers are now in 1st and Flesh fourth. Both made playoffs. 5 points from first to fourth. Final four update. Gonzaga beat S Carolina and N Carolina beat Oregon. Both super close games. Go Zags

Tommy – oilers are first in the west?

Brent – 1st in Pacific division. Anaheim 2 San Jose 3 Flamers 4. It could all change with one week to go. All four are in. Who knows where they finish. Anything exciting or different this week? We had a great experience in the St. George temple. Crud, it is rain snowing now and Rugby is supposed to be outside tomorrow.

Tommy – haha tough it out

Brent – Oh, the fat flakes are sticking. There is a by election tomorrow to replace Jason Kenney. Pretty sure the conservative will win.

Tommy – that’s a pretty safe bet – we see all conference sessions at the chapel and a week behind

That is all for this week